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Equilibrio Frequencial

Equilíbrio Frequencial Multicromático

Em 03 de fevereiro de 2023, Dr. Campos, um Ser de Luz a bordo da Nave SLANTA, do Comando Estelar de Órion, através de canal mediúnico, passou informações sobre a técnica de “Equilíbrio Frequencial Multicromático”.

    A técnica aborda as sete (7) cores do espectro eletromagnético visível, em ordem crescente das frequências: vermelho, laranja, amarelo, verde, azul, anil, violeta, mais a cor prata.

                                     Multichromatic Frequency Balance

On February 03, 2023, Dr. Campos, a Being of Light aboard the Spaceship SLANTA, of the Orion Star Command, through a mediumistic channel, passed on information about the technique of “Multichromatic Frequency Equilibrium”

The technique addresses the seven (7) colors of the visible electromagnetic spectrum, in ascending order of frequencies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, plus the color silver.

Nesta técnica, as oito (8) cores são colocadas à disposição do paciente, que deve escolher a que, naquele momento, mais lhe chama a atenção, ou mais lhe agrada. A cor escolhida significa o aspecto do paciente (espiritual, emocional, psicológico ou físico) que precisa ser “Equilibrado”.

In this technique, the eight (8) colors are made available to the patient, who must choose the one that, at that moment, most catches his attention, or pleases him the most. The chosen color signifies the aspect of the patient (spiritual, emotional, psychological or physical) that needs to be “Balanced”.


    O aspecto do paciente que precisa ser “Equilibrado” é tratado com o “Bastão Atlante” na região do osso esterno, onde situa-se o “Ponto Crístico” (na altura do Coração), fazendo-se três ciclos (3) de oito (8) giros lentos, num diâmetro aproximado de um (1) palmo, perguntando ao final de cada ciclo, como o paciente está se sentindo. No total são 24 giros para a cor escolhida, sendo que para o vermelho, laranja e amarelo, os giros são no sentido anti-horário, e para as outras cores o giro é no sentido horário.

The aspect of the patient that needs to be “Balanced” is treated with the “Atlantean Stick” in the region of the sternum, where the “Christ Point” is located (at the level of the Heart), doing three cycles (3) of eight (8) slow turns, in an approximate diameter of one (1) palm, asking at the end of each cycle, how the patient is feeling. In total there are 24 turns for the chosen color, and for red, orange and yellow, the turns are counterclockwise, and for the other colors the turn is clockwise.


Red-It represents a very high level of emotional excitement, acting in the physical body, in the physical environment.

Orange-Milder frequency than red, it is a more tenuous intermediate band with the same characteristics as red.

Yellow-This color has a characteristic of spiritual difficulty that influences the physical, with emotional outburst. It represents a difficult moment in the spiritual realm.

Green -This is a very high level frequency, harmony, Healing, Comfort, Health of the physical body and our vision brings “Peace”.

Blue-Blue vibrates at the same frequency as green, it is an energy of Peace, and provides the “Cure” of the patient’s and his neighbor’s illnesses.

Indigo-This frequency is a call to “Introspection”, to Meditation. It elevates your emotional and mental balance, requiring physical and mental work.

Violet-With this color “Divinity” is worked, allowing the conception of quantum, divine and sacred energies, which help to remain in this plane.

Silver-This is a multidimensional color, linked to Intuition and Sensitivity that protects from negativity. It represents purity, clear conscience and faithfulness.

Dr. Campos nasceu em 15 de maio de 1892 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, e formou-se médico na Faculdade de Medicina da Praia Vermelha, tendo desencarnado em 1929 devido a um acidente automobilístico nas proximidades da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. Atualmente Dr. Campos está na Nave SLANTA do Comando Estelar de Órion, e nos últimos 30 anos, através do seu canal mediúnico, vem orientando as pessoas com seus conhecimentos médicos, nutricional, de ervas e plantas medicinais.

Na Nave SLANTA Dr. Campos desenvolve pesquisas na área de Engenharia Genética para aperfeiçoar vibracionalmente diversos Seres da nossa Galáxia com o propósito de expandir a “vida” nos Universos.

Dr. Campos was born on May 15, 1892 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and trained as a doctor at the Red Beach School of Medicine, having passed away in 1929 due to an automobile accident near Lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas. Currently Dr. Campos is on the SLANTA Starship of Orion, and for the last 30 years, through his mediumship channel, he has been guiding people with his medical, nutritional, herbal and medicinal plant knowledge.

On the ship SLANTA Dr. Campos develops research in the area of ​​Genetic Engineering to improve vibrationally several Beings of our Galaxy with the purpose of expanding “life” in the Universes.








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